
  • Csm-1006erc-Grant-Dyakonov-F749c12bbf-Web

    07 Oct 2022

    ERC Advanced Grant for Vladimir Dyakonov

    With 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council, Professor Vladimir Dyakonov will be able to pursue the development of a novel quantum sensor: The physicist was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant.

  • Img-6009-Fotocanheinrich-1920x1080-1

    22 Sept 2022

    Kitty Q on the prowl for prizes: Mobile game created by the Würzburg and Dresden universities receives three awards in one day

    Three awards in one sweep: the creators of the mobile game app Kitty Q and its follow-up project QUANTube from the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat had every reason to be excited this Wednesday, Sept. 21. Attending two parallel award ceremonies in Leipzig and Berlin, they took home a total of three awards for outstanding science communication and creative science marketing.

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    13 Sept 2022

    More quantum physics, please! Teachers and scientists meet in Dresden to discuss new ideas for school curricula

    The ct.qmat Cluster of Excellence at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) and the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) has embarked on a cooperation with the German Network of Excellence of STEM schools, MINT-EC. The aim is to incorporate the latest quantum physics research findings into the school curriculum as quickly as possible. Teachers from secondary schools from all over Germany are now meeting with the scientists in Dresden. At the center of the exchange are the research topics of ct.qmat and a revolutionary approach of teaching quantum physics through play: gamification, for which the award-winning games app “Kitty Q – A Quantum Adventure” serves as a trailblazing example.

  • Weiße Katze auf weißem Hintergrund. Die Katze trägt eine Camouflageähnliche Jacke in schwarz und weiß.

    02 Sept 2022

    New fur for the quantum cat: Entanglement of many atoms in a quantum material discovered for the first time

    Be it magnets or superconductors: materials are known for their various properties. However, these properties may change spontaneously under extreme conditions. Researchers at the Technische Universität Dresden and the Technische Universität München have discovered an entirely new type of such phase transitions. They display the phenomenon of quantum entanglement involving many atoms, which previously has only been observed in the realm of few atoms. The results were recently published in the scientific journal Nature.

  • Ctqmat-Laser-Illustrationchristiankroneck-1920x1080

    25 Aug 2022

    Laser network the size of a sand grain at the heart of pioneering achievement

    The development of a topological laser array by a research team of the Wuerzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat represents a pioneering achievement in physics. For this groundbreaking work, Sebastian Klembt from the Julius Maximilians University Wuerzburg has now been shortlisted for the prestigious “Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year.”

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    03 Jun 2022

    GOLDENER SPATZ for Kitty Q: Game app on quantum physics wins at german children's media festival

    The game app "Kitty Q – A Quantum Adventure" has convinced the children's jury at the German Children's Media Festival Goldener Spatz and won first prize in the DIGITAL competition.

  • Skyrmionen-Abb1-1920x1080

    30 May 2022

    Whirlwind in the material: Dresden physicist wins prize for world's first image of a 3D magnetic field

    A Dresden research team led by solid-state physicist Dr. Axel Lubk has succeeded in imaging the magnetic field of tiny magnetic nanovortices – called skyrmions – in three dimensions with a resolution of seven millionths of a millimeter. This is the first time ever that this has been achieved.

  • Bild-Teaser-Topology-96-1920x1980

    20 May 2022

    Almost everything is topological

    An international research team has discovered that topological electronic states are present in nearly every known material. The team’s discovery of ubiquitous band topology has been published in the journal Science.

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    17 May 2022

    An ant goes viral

    An ant walk fascinates the social web: More than 1 million views on YouTube, more than 32,000 likes and almost 2,000 comments! What is behind the animation of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat which amazes the web?

  • Pressrelease-Teaserfig-Bachmann-2800x2100-96-1920x1080

    09 May 2022

    A ‘fast lane’ for electrons

    The study of ultra-pure materials still has many ways to surprise and delight! For delafossite metals it was shown that wires sculpted from the same single crystal have very different resistivities depending on the angle at which they are cut. From the fundamental physics point of view, the laws of bulk resistivity are being broken.

  • Adrianapalffy-Buss-Fotobilderstolz-1920x1980

    13 Apr 2022

    Focus on quantum optics: X-ray physicist holds new professorship at JMU Würzburg

    Adriana Pálffy-Buß has been appointed to the new W2 professorship for Theoretical Quantum Information and Quantum Optics at the University of Würzburg. She is an expert in the new research field of X-ray quantum optics.

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    08 Apr 2022

    Claudia Felser receives the Wilhelm Ostwald Medal

    Claudia Felser receives the Wilhelm Ostwald Medal of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig. She is one of the 25 principal investigators of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat.

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