
  • 20210322-Ctqmat1-Virtuellekonferenz-Programm-Screenshotkerstinbrankatsch-1920x1080

    22 Mar 2021

    Jazz, sport & quantum physics: First virtual cluster retreat of ct.qmat

    The first conference of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat exhausted all possibilities of the digital event world.  

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    04 Mar 2021

    Quantum world for everyone!

    A six-minute image video is now available with both German and English subtitles on the YouTube channel of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat. 

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    22 Jan 2021

    1 million Euros for black holes made from semimetals

    The early career research team leader Tobias Meng launches a three-year research project connecting the physics of semimetals to the theory of black holes. The German-Luxembourg research project has just received funding of roughly one million Euros.

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    15 Jan 2021

    Light and matter: Photonics scientist to occupy the cluster's first junior professorship

    Since a Nature article in 2018, experts have been looking forward to photonic quantum physics from Würzburg. Sebastian Klembt played a key role in the presentation of the first topological isolator made of light and matter. The scientist has been the first junior professor in the Cluster of Excellence since November 2020.

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    14 Jan 2021

    Find a needle in the haystack: A new high-throughput method for magnetic quantum materials

    With the help of a novel algorithm, magnetic topological compounds can now be searched for automatically. The computer method developed is considered a milestone for research into topological materials and paves the way for systematic identification of such materials, which have so far only been determined on a case-by-case basis.

  • Slider-Schaufenster

    11 Sep 202031 Dec 2021

    Opening of the exhibition SHOWCASES OF RESEARCH

    From 12 September on, the Technische Sammlungen will be showcasing cutting-edge research from Dresden. An exhibition in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence of TU Dresden ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter, the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, and the Barkhausen Institute as well as DRESDEN-concept, and the City of Dresden.

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    22 Jun 2020

    With a bang towards new quantum technologies

    Quantum scientists welcome the German government’s initiative to promote quantum technologies.

  • Funnelv1

    27 Mar 2020

    A funnel of light

    The group of Professor Ronny Thomale at the University of Würzburg, in joint collaboration with the experimental optics group of Professor Alexander Szameit in Rostock, has developed a light funnel system which might inspire new generations of hypersensitive optical detectors and sensors for future information and communication technologies. Their results have just been published in Science magazine.

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    30 Jan 2020

    Renowned Tomassoni prize for Alexander Szameit

    For his groundbreaking research in different areas of fundamental research our associate Alexander Szameit from Rostock University reveives the "Tomassoni Prize" of the Sapienza University Rome.

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