
  • Pressebild-Topologischer-Schnelltest-V1-Bildjoergbandmannpixelwg-1920x1080px

    16 May 2024

    Method Milestone for Quantum Physics: Rapid Test for Topological 2D Materials

    Topological quantum materials are hailed as a cornerstone of future technological advancements. Yet, validating their exceptional qualities has always been a lengthy business. However, researchers at the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have now developed an experimental technique that systematically identifies two-dimensional topological materials through a rapid test.

  • Preview-Escaperoom-Katzeq-Bild-Amdx-Michaelfeser-1920x1080

    07 Mar 2024

    Cold Chips and Quantum Mysteries: Preview the Kitty Q Escape Room at SPIN2030

    Dive into the world of quantum physics with Kitty Q, the cute, half-dead cat who adores cold chips and quantum puzzles. This freaky feline is the main character and namesake of the first quantum physics-themed escape room in Germany for youngsters, currently being set up at the Dresden Museum of Science and Technology in partnership with the Dresden-Würzburg Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat. Join us for an exclusive sneak peek at the SPIN2030 Science Festival in Dresden on March 8 and 9, 2024, and be among the first to try out the cold chips puzzle table from the quantum kitchen.

  • Regenschirm-Fuer-Atome-Abbildungjoergbandmann-1920x1080

    01 Mar 2024

    Umbrella for Atoms: The First Protective Layer for 2D Quantum Materials

    In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have engineered a protective film that shields quantum semiconductor layers just one atom thick from environmental influences without compromising their revolutionary quantum properties. This puts the application of these delicate atomic layers in ultrathin electronic components within realistic reach. The findings have just been published in Nature Communications.

  • Schematische-Darstellung-Ptbi2-1920x1080web

    08 Feb 2024

    A superconducting sandwich offers hope for Majorana qubits

    Dresden physicists discover the source of unique surface superconductivity, published in the journal Nature.

  • Pressebild-Quanten-Bauteil-Illustrationchristophmaeder-1920x1080

    18 Jan 2024
    11:00 am

    Extremely Robust & Ultra-Sensitive: Topological Quantum Device Produced

    A significant breakthrough has been achieved by quantum physicists from Dresden and Würzburg. They’ve created a semiconductor device where exceptional robustness and sensitivity are ensured by a quantum phenomenon. This topological skin effect shields the functionality of the device from external perturbations, allowing for measurements of unprecedented precision. Published in Nature Physics.

  • Pressebild-Cerh2as-Illustrationjo-Rgbandmannctqmat-16x9-I

    23 Nov 2023
    12:00 pm

    €2.7 million for Superconducting “Miracle”. ERC grant for Dresden quantum physicist Hassinger

    Elena Hassinger, a renowned low-temperature physicist, has been awarded €2.7 million in funding by the European Research Council. This ERC Consolidator Grant will support her pioneering work on unconventional superconductors, which could lead to a breakthrough in topological quantum computing.

  • Pressebild-Spinaron-Bild-Jubabouaziz-Ulrichpuhlfuerst-1920x1080

    26 Oct 2023
    05:00 pm

    Spinaron: A Rugby in a Ball Pit. New Quantum Effect Demonstrated for the First Time

    For the first time, experimental physicists from the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have demonstrated a new quantum effect aptly named the “spinaron.” This revelation challenges the long-held Kondo effect – a theoretical concept which has been considered the standard model for the interaction of magnetic materials with metals since the 1980s. These groundbreaking findings were published in the esteemed journal Nature Physics.

  • Quantenchip-Pressebild-1920x1080

    07 Sep 2023

    Training quantum computers: Physicists win prestigious IBM award

    A team of five, headed by quantum physicist Professor Ronny Thomale of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat based at two universities in Würzburg and Dresden, secured second place in the international IBM Quantum Open Science Prize. The research group devised an algorithm enabling IBM’s 16-qubit quantum chip to be trained to outperform conventional computing capabilities.

  • Thumbnail-Exzitonen-Meilenstein-Jo-Rgbandmann

    10 Jan 2023

    Milestone for light-driven electronics: Excitons generated in a topological insulator for the first time

    An international team of scientists collaborating within the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat has achieved a breakthrough in quantum research – the first detection of excitons in a topological insulator. The findings have been published in the journal Nature Communications.

  • Csm-1006erc-Grant-Dyakonov-F749c12bbf-Web

    07 Oct 2022

    ERC Advanced Grant for Vladimir Dyakonov

    With 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council, Professor Vladimir Dyakonov will be able to pursue the development of a novel quantum sensor: The physicist was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant.

  • Ctqmat-Laser-Illustrationchristiankroneck-1920x1080

    25 Aug 2022

    Laser network the size of a sand grain at the heart of pioneering achievement

    The development of a topological laser array by a research team of the Wuerzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat represents a pioneering achievement in physics. For this groundbreaking work, Sebastian Klembt from the Julius Maximilians University Wuerzburg has now been shortlisted for the prestigious “Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year.”

  • Skyrmionen-Abb1-1920x1080

    30 May 2022

    Whirlwind in the material: Dresden physicist wins prize for world's first image of a 3D magnetic field

    A Dresden research team led by solid-state physicist Dr. Axel Lubk has succeeded in imaging the magnetic field of tiny magnetic nanovortices – called skyrmions – in three dimensions with a resolution of seven millionths of a millimeter. This is the first time ever that this has been achieved.

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