
  • Frauenkirche-Dresden-Social-Program-Ctqmat24-W570

    1618 Jan 2025

    QMA Bridge Dresden 2025

    This short visit enables new QMA members from the Würzburg side of ct.qmat to get to know the other location, make contacts and explore possible collaborations.

  • Gh-Slider

    20 Jan 2025
    02:50 pm – 05:00 pm

    GHN colloquium with Prof. Andrea León ( Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)

    The GHN Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete Hermann Network (GHN) - an international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.

  • Slider-Rethinkingphysiks-1920x1080-1

    17 Jan05 Feb 2025

    RETHINKING PHYSICS - Exhibition Opening in Dresden

    A Century of Quantum Mechanics – Time for a Female Perspective!

    Our temporal exhibition opens on January 17, 2025, at 5:00 PM in the foyer of the Kulturpalast in Dresden and will be on display until February 5, 2025.

  • Jena-Am-Abend-Quelle-Jenakultur-Foto-Jenaparadies-Scaled

    31 Mar02 Apr 2025

    Sixth QMA Retreat (Jena)

    In Jena we will meet and talk about your projects.

  • Jena-Am-Abend-Quelle-Jenakultur-Foto-Jenaparadies-Scaled

    0204 Apr 2025

    Third Spring School "Topological Quantum Matter"

    We will meet in Jena directly after the fifth QMA retreat and learn more about complexity and topology in quantum matter.

  • Slider-Rethinkingphysiks-1920x1080-6

    14 Apr 2025
    07:00 pm – 08:30 pm

    RETHINKING PHYSICS at the Nicolaus-Copernicus-Planetarium in Nürnberg

    A Century of Quantum Mechanics – Time for a Female Perspective!

    Our temporal exhibition opens on April 14, 2025, at 7:00 PM at the Nicolaus-Copernicus-Planetarium in Nürnberg and will be on display until May 31, 2025.

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