Events - Archiv


(8 Events)

GHN-colloquium with Prof. Hélène Bouchiat

The GHN-Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete-Hermann-Network (GHN) — a newly founded international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.

QMA Coffee & Meet session

During this online meeting you have the possibility to get in touch with the other qma members.


Girls' Day

Bastele deinen eigenen Quantencomputer, Spiel mit einer Katze & erfahre, wo Physikerinnen dringend gebraucht werden!


GHN-colloquium with Dr. Cliò Agrapidis

The GHN-Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete-Hermann-Network (GHN)—a newly founded international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.


Workshop "MnBi2Te4-based magnetic topological insulators"

This ct.qmat-internal online workshop is intended to provide an overview of recent scientific results on this research topic in Dresden and Würzburg and to promote joint activities and collaborations in ct.qmat.


Cluster retreat 2021

The Cluster Retreat 2021 takes place in virtual mode from 10 to 11 March 2021.


Female physicists meet and greet

On the occasion of "the International day of women and girls in science" we cordially invite you to meet up with distinguished female physicists of  the Cluster´s Grete-Hermann-Network to talk about their love of science and to get inspired by their career pathes.


GHN-colloquium with Prof. Annica Black-Schaffer

The GHN-Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete-Hermann-Network (GHN) – a newly founded international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.


(4 Events)

GHN-colloquium with Prof. Susanne Stemmer

The GHN-Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete-Hermann-Network (GHN) – a newly founded international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.


Quantum Alliance community event for PhDs/postdocs

Take the opportunity to get an overview of the broad scope of quantum research in Germany. Interact with PhD students and postdocs from other quantum research clusters and centers. The program includes short introductions of the Quantum Alliance clusters and centers, poster sessions and networking slots.

Good scientific practice for PIs

Seminar for all interested PIs of the cluster held by Dr. Schröder-Köhne.

QMA: good scientific practice for PhDs

The seminar Good Scientific Practice is addressed to all PhD students of the QMA in Würzburg and will be held by Dr. Schröder-Köhne.

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