Events - Archiv


(6 Events)

Female physicists meet and greet

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we cordially invite you to meet up with distinguished female physicists of the Grete Hermann Network to talk about their love of science and to get inspired by their career paths.


RETHINKING PHYSICS & Kitty Q at MINT-EC Schulleitungstagung 2024

Our temporal exhibition RETHINKING PHYSICS and Gaming Lounge Kitty Q will be showcased at the 2024 School Management Conference of the national excellence school network MINT-EC in Frankfurt am Main.


GHN colloquium with Prof. Andrea León ( Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)

The GHN Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete Hermann Network (GHN) - an international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.


RETHINKING PHYSICS - Exhibition Opening in Dresden

A Century of Quantum Mechanics – Time for a Female Perspective!

Our temporal exhibition opens on January 17, 2025, at 5:00 PM in the foyer of the Kulturpalast in Dresden and will be on display until February 5, 2025.


QMA Bridge Dresden 2025

This short visit enables new QMA members from the Würzburg side of ct.qmat to get to know the other location, make contacts and explore possible collaborations.


RETHINKING PHYSICS at the Gutenbergschule Wiesbaden

A Century of Quantum Mechanics – Time for a Female Perspective!

Our temporal exhibition will be on display from January 17 until January 30, 2025, at the Gutenbergschule Wiesbaden.


(6 Events)

GHN Meeting

After a break, the Grete Hermann Network is back! Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with fellow members, welcome new faces, and plan exciting events for 2025. Let’s shape the future together!


CT.QMAT24: International Conference on Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter

CT.QMAT24 is the second international conference of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat on emerging quantum phenomena resulting from topological physics and its interplay with many-body interactions in diverse quantum matter settings, from topological electron materials to quantum spin systems and photonics. It will be taking place in the city of Dresden, Germany.


Kitty Q gaming lounge at Technische Sammlungen Dresden street festival

Dive into the extraordinary quantum universe at the Kitty Q gaming lounge and solve puzzles rooted in mind-bending quantum phenomena! The gaming lounge will be taking place as part of the “Turmfest.Striesen.Draußen” street festival organized by the Technische Sammlungen Dresden.


QMA Bridge

This short visit enables new QMA members from the Dresden side of ct.qmat to get to know the other location, make contacts and explore possible collaborations.


Kitty Q Gaming Lounge #LNDWDD

Dive into the quantum universe with our mobile game Kitty Q at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Dresden! We’ve got iPads at the stand you can use. And you might even bump into the game’s creator!


Science under the sign of the donut #LNDWDD

Ever wondered what tomorrow’s computers will be made of? Or what hurricanes and donuts could possibly have to do with quantum physics? Get ready to have your mind blown by the researchers from ct.qmat at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Dresden.

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