Spiel mit einer echten Quanten-Katze & erfahre, wo Physikerinnen dringend gebraucht werden!
The three day conference offers numerous workshops (parallel workshops in English) and coaching opportunities. During fireplace talks with experienced female professors (role-models), the participants will be able to get into a conversation with them on career paths in research.
The Cluster Retreat 2022 takes place as an in-person event at the Radisson Blu Hotel Merseburg from 23 to 25 March 2022.
On the occasion of the 121st birthday of Grete Hermann we would like to reflect on her life, achievements in philosophy of quantum physics and contribution to quantum mechanics. The workshop is open to everyone who is interested in this amazing woman.
The GHN-Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete-Hermann-Network (GHN) — a newly founded international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.
In Erfurt we will meet and talk about your projects.
The session is closely related to the cluster's activities, as it features talks by cluster representatives from Würzburg, Dresden and Haifa.
The conference, jointly organized by ct.qmat and the Dresden-based SFB 1143, will be held as a hybrid event.
During this online meeting you have the possibility to get in touch with the other qma members.
What works in the lab is still a long way from being mass-produced. This new event series aims at increasing awareness of the topic "Knowledge and technology transfer".
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