CORPES workshop at the MPI on strong correlations and angle-resolved photoemission
Date & Facts
02 – 06 Jun 2025
+++ The application deadline is February 15, 2025. Applications received before February 15 will be considered preferentially. Please refer to the MPI PKS event website for the application form as well as all further information and updates regarding the workshop. +++
The first CORPES workshop was held in the World Year of Physics 2005, bringing together scientists working in the broad areas of many-body electronic structure theory and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). At the time, high-Tc cuprates and heavy fermions had been heavily discussed topics. Since then, new developments have emerged in the field of quantum materials such as topological, two-dimensional, or non-equilibrium systems. Recent experimental and theoretical developments in photoemission spectroscopy will also be covered.
This year's CORPES will be held in Dresden, Germany, and organized by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems.
Please register via the form on the MPI website. The number of attendees is limited.
Topics include:
- Self-energy and spectral function in correlated systems
- Topological systems
- Two-dimensional and layered systems
- Non-equilibrium dynamics
- Optical control of quantum systems
- Theoretical and experimental progress in the interpretation of ARPES and related methods
- Related methods (RIXS, EELS, STS, etc.)
The full program will be available by mid-May 2025.
Confirmed invited speakers:
- F. Baumberger (CH)
- S. Biermann (FR)
- A. Damascelli (CA)
- D. Dessau (US)
- I. Gierz (DE)
- F. Giustino (US)
- P. Hirschfeld (US)
- A. Kaminski (US)
- T. Kondo (JP)
- B. Michon (FR)
- C. Pepin (FR)
- M. Potthoff (DE)
- F. Reinert (DE)
- A. Rubio (DE)
- C.M. Schneider (DE)
- Z.-X. Shen (US)
- M. le Tacon (DE)
- T. Tohyama (JP)
- P. Werner (CH)
- X.J. Zhou (CN)
Scientific coordinators:
Jörg Fink (IFW Dresden)
- Stefan Kaiser (TU Dresden)
- Konrad Matho (CNRS, Institut Néel)
Claudia Domaschke (MPI PKS Dresden)
Image: © Colourbox