Sixth QMA Retreat (Jena)

Date & Facts

31 Mar02 Apr 2025



Dorint Hotel Esplanade Jena


Important Dates
Mar. 31– Apr. 02 QMA retreat


Travel Information & Registration

There will be bus transportation organized from Dresden and Würzburg to Jena. You can add this option during the registration process.


Registration is for free and ct.qmat young scientists are cordially invited to also participate in the subsequent spring school "Topological Quantum Matter 2025"at the Dorint Hotel Esplanade Jena. Please indicate this during your registration.


Confirmed Speakers



Scientific Program

The program will be uploaded here.


Acceptable poster size: max. 120 x 150 cm, portrait format.


Time slots for oral presentations: 20 mins, including 5 mins for discussion.


Organizers' Contact

Dominik Horneber

Swarnamayee Mishra
Seyedehasma Molavi
Tobias Müller

Tatiana Uaman-Svetikova
Janik Potten


Inspired by the success of the previous QMA retreats, the upcoming retreat is organized exclusively for young scientists at the PhD and Postdoc level from ct.qmat to share their research results through scientific presentations and discussions. These presentations will aim to provide an excellent introduction to various research activities of the cluster and empower the participants to build collaborations within the cluster. Additionally, the retreat will feature various fun activities which provide plenty of opportunities to network and socialize in a relaxed atmosphere.


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