External Schools

Summer schools, or external training courses, offer additional opportunities for scientific training in order to work intensively on specific research topics. These schools are organized by internationally recognized research institutes. Information on application procedures and deadlines are listed on the websites of the respective Summer School. Attendance at a Summer School can be financed by Cluster. For details, please contact the QMA coordinator Kerstin Brankatschk.


School Date Location Application deadline
Fundamentals of Quantum Materials Winter School 13.-16.01.2025 Maryland, USA 30.09.2024
Maglab Theory Winter School 06.-10.01.2025 Tallahassee, USA 08.11.2024
Experimental, Theoretical and Numerical approaches to Frustrated Quantum Magnets 28.10-
Les Houches, Frankreich 15.05.2024
Frontiers of Condensed Matter 16.-27.09.2024 Les Houches, France 15.06.2024
Topological Matter School 2024 19.-23.08.2024 San Sebastián, Spanien 31.03.2024
Ljubljana PhD School on Quantum Physics – 2024 10.06.-03.07.2024 Ljubljana, Slovenia 15.03.2024
8th Les Houches School in Computational Physics : Variational Approaches for Quantum Matter in and out of Equilibrium 10.-21.06.2024 Les Houches, Frankreich  
International Summer School on Computional Quantum Materials 2024 19.-31.05.2024 Québec, Kanada 31.01.2024
Topological Order: Anyons and Fractions 01.-12.04.2024 Les Houches, Frankreich 10.03.2024
TOCHA Winter School: Topological Electronics and Bosonics: from Concepts to Devices 28.01.-02.02.2024 Aussois, France 27.10.2023
7th annual Fundamentals of Quantum Materials Winter School 15.-18.01.2024 Maryland, USA 09.10.2023
2024 Theory Winter School: New Frontiers in Superconductivity 08.-12.01.2024 Tallahassee, USA 15.11.2023

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