Job Opportunities in Quantum Science and Technology




This is our electronic bill-board of jobs. Here, we offer positions in research and administration of ct.qmat and friends, so check back regularily.


We are currently looking for Postdoc/PhD candidates for several positions. For details look here.


Early career researchers are always welcome to contact a PI for PhD/PostDoc positions. If you are interested to work within the cluster, you can also contact us via email.

Uni Würzburg & TU Dresden



at the Chair of Nanoscale Quantum Materials

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PhD positions

in Physics of Superconducting Hybrid-Devices with Topological Materials


The Institute for Topological Insulators at the University of Würzburg seeks excellent candidates for PhD positions in the field of experimental condensed matter physics.


Our research projects involve low-temperature physics using dilution refrigerators, nanofabrication, DC electrical transport measurements, data analysis, and device simulation techniques. Advanced experimental techniques include microwave spectroscopy of Andreev states and qubits, and detection of topological states in heat transport and noise measurements. Our team has collaborations with theory and experimental groups worldwide. Strong communication skills and proficiency in scientific English are required.


More Information Here

Please send your application to

Prof. Laurens Molenkamp - or
Prof. Charles Gould -


PhD position

in the field of "Magnetic and superconducting proximity effects in epitaxial MnBi2Te4"

This project aims to explore superconducting and magnetic proximity effects on the topological surface state in epitaxial heterostructures of the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4.

Your task is to improve the molecular beam epitaxial growth of high-quality MnBi2Te4 films down to a single septuple-layer (SL) on a wide range of van der Waals substrates. These layers will be investigated in-situ by ARPES and other surface sensitive techniques.


More information HERE

Please send your application to

Prof. Friedrich Reinert -


2 PhD positions

in the field of “Designer Quantum Materials”

ransition metal oxides are well known for their emergent phases and novel electronic properties evolving from the various competing many‐body interactions through spontaneous symmetry‐breaking. Additionally, the topological nature of band structures, often induced by strong spin‐orbit
coupling, can give rise to new states of matter.

In one project, you will use the possibilities of heterointerfacing to create and tune composite oxide materials with topological electronic states, typically in the presence of or assisted by electron correlations. Realization thereof are predicted to be found in the rich phase diagram of 5d iridates that encompasses spin‐orbit driven Mott insulators, topological superconductivity as well as Weyl and Dirac semimetals.


More Information HERE


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Postdoc position

in the field of “Scanning tunneling microscopy of 3rd generation 2D quantum materials”

We have an opening for a postdoc position for low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS). The position is integrated in our research team working on 3 rd generation 2D quantum materials. These are atomic monolayer systems epitaxially grown on semiconducting or insulating substrates, which by design represent topological or strongly correlated 2D electron systems of high variability and tunability. We are looking for early career physicists or material scientists who share our enthusiasm for the fascinating physics of these synthetic quantum materials. Suitable candidates should have expert knowledge in STM/STS and ideally also a solid background in one or more of the following experimental techniques: photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES, XPS), monolayer MBE, LEED, AFM.


More information HERE


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PhD positions

Quantum Sensing with Spin Centers in hexagonal Boron Nitride

The development of a solid-state system for quantum technologies and sensing applications is a very vibrant research area. An essential part of it, the spin degree of freedom, is an invaluable source of information as it provides an interface to the environment it is surrounded by. However, most of the material systems hosting spin centers are 3D and it is challenging to position them close to the sample surface. In 2020, our group experimentally identified the first intrinsic spin center in the 2D van der Waals material hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), in which coherent manipulation of spins was possible.


Our research goal is to realize vdW heterostructures by stacking multilayer 2D materials to study ordered systems incorporating hBN layers with spin defects written into it. The spin-sensitive method of choice is cw and pulsed optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) at different temperatures and magnetic fields.


More information HEREand on our Website

Please send your application to

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dyakonov - or
Dr. Andreas Sperlich

External Jobs

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