Grete Hermann Network

Image: © Otto Lohrisch-Achilles / Universität Bremen
Prof. Johanna Erdmenger — scientific GHN coordinator, JMU
Dr. Alina Markova — administrative GHN coordinator, TUD
The Grete Hermann Network (GHN) is an international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighbouring research areas, involving both junior researchers (for instance senior postdocs, assistant professors, research group leaders) as well as experienced professors. The network is associated to the Cluster of Excellence 'Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter—ct.qmat' which is funded within the Excellence Strategy of the German federal government. We are a strong research collaboration between Julius Maximilians University Würzburg and Technische Universität Dresden in Germany that started in early 2019.
A central aim of this Cluster, in view of promoting excellent research, is to support the recruitment and careers of female researchers within our field. One of the measures to do so is the establishment of the GHN.
The goals of the GHN are as follows:
- provide networking and mentoring,
- increase visibility of female senior scientists as role models,
- create a comprehensive pool of female researchers in the Cluster's research areas in view of future hirings for professorships and further permanent positions.
To achieve these goals, we invite GHN members to the Cluster's workshops and conferences for both scientific talks and events for the general audience, as well as for dedicated social meetings of the network's members for informal exchange. Moreover, the Cluster provides possibilities for scientific exchange (seminars, guest stays) and research collaborations with the Cluster for all GHN members.
GHN colloquium series
Grete Hermann Network Workshop
An on-site GHN workshop took place from July 31 till August 2, 2023 at JMU. For further details, please visit the event website.
121st anniversary of Grete Hermann's birthday
On the occasion of the 121st birthday of Grete Hermann on March 2, 2022, a workshop on her achievements in philosophy of quantum physics and contribution to quantum mechanics took place. Three talks on Grete Hermann's private life, Grete Hermann as a philosopher, and Grete Hermann as a physicists were held and recorded. To watch them, click on the respective video below.
Grete Hermann - the fascinating life story of a versatile woman, Dr. Alina Markova (TUD)
Grete Hermann: from physics to politics, Dr. Andrea Reichenberger (FernUniversität Hagen)
Grete Hermann and the question of the completeness of quantum theory, Prof. Thomas Filk (University of Freiburg)