Compatibility of family and academic career
For their significant achievements in creating family-friendly studying and working conditions, both universities have been certified as family-friendly universities—TUD since 2007 and JMU since 2008. These certifications highlight their commitment to fostering environments where academic pursuits and family life can harmoniously coexist.

Image: © TU Dresden

Image: © Crispin-Iven Mokry
ct.qmat pays particular attention to the childcare needs of its employees with children. Both JMU and TUD offer various forms of childcare support, including daycare center placements, short-term childcare, and holiday childcare options.
To further support the compatibility of family and academic careers, the Cluster provides financial assistance for several key areas:
- institutional childcare during off-peak hours: Financial support is available for childcare services outside the usual opening hours of local daycare centers, ensuring that parents can manage their schedules flexibly.
- childcare during conferences, workshops, or internal retreats: The Cluster can arrange for childcare services during professional events such as conferences, workshops, or internal retreats, allowing parents to participate fully in these important activities without worrying about their children's care.
- business-trip related travel costs for children and caregivers: When business trips are necessary, the Cluster can cover travel expenses for both children and their caregivers, alleviating the logistical and financial burdens on parents.
- equipment for remote work: To facilitate the successful combination of a scientific career with home-based caring responsibilities (such as taking care of children up to the age of fourteen), the Cluster can provide essential remote work equipment. This includes laptops and necessary accessories, making it easier for parents to work from home effectively.
For more detailed information on the policies and support mechanisms available to researchers and their families, please visit the DFG's webpage on compatibility of family and academic career.